“Miss Julie is so nice and I love going to yoga! My favorite poses to do with Miss Julie are downdogs, updogs, the end where I lie on my back with my arms away from my body, and the lotus breath. My favorite part of yoga class is getting a ducky on my tummy, closing my eyes, and feeling the ducky swim while I breathe. I love Miss Julie and the breathing ball, too!” – 4 year old girl

“Ms. Julie teaches more than just yoga – she uses yoga to teach kids how to be accepting, positive and centered – giving them important skills on which to grow and develop into well-grounded individuals.” -K.B
“I love sharing yoga with my daughter by bringing her to Julie’s Yoga for Kids of CNY classes. Each class is age-appropriate; beautifully planned around themes of compassion, kindness, connectedness, nature, friendship, and family; and Bella leaves every class eager to return and excited to practice the poses and sequences at home together. Julie is a natural and gifted teacher and has a way of discovering the spark of light in each child present in her classes. She teaches yoga in the most loving way that meets every child where they are and allows them to flourish through the practice of yoga. ” -B.T.

“With kindness, lighthearted fun and skill, children learn how to explore and enjoy the yoga postures, stories, and their artistic creativity that can help them (and us!) live in harmony with the world around us…Thank you Julie, for this precious gift for my granddaughter…as well as offering me the chance to join in!!” – D.A.
“Julie has a wonderful, magical spirit and is still able to wrangle a room full of children. My daughter is getting such a sweet introduction to yoga, as well as meditation, mindfulness and skills for maturing in such a fast-paced world. As a yoga teacher myself, I could have my 8 year old daughter attend class with me, but I think she’ll grow to love the spirit of yoga with Julie and then I’ll continue the teachings of alignment and structure along the way.” -D.H

“Yoga has been a great experience for both of my children. They have so much fun and they have learned a lot. They are excited to go to class every week and have made great connections with Julie, Kevin and the other kids. They enjoy it beyond their weekly class and have even incorporated it into play with their friends!” -K.C